Can you remember what’s on your grocery list? The relationship between improving memory and improving speech

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Memory. It’s a topic that has always interested me. Wouldn’t it be great to recall names, dates, and my grocery list more efficiently? Although I’ve read many articles and books on the subject, notable changes in my memory skills have been elusive.

Recently, I attended a seminar about improving memory. I was struck by several things during the presentation:

  • The presenter had an amazing memory, which made him seem like a genius.
  • I could have an amazing memory too, with a step-by-step plan and focused practice.
  • The process to improve my memory is the same process I instruct my clients to use to form new speech habits!

I bought the memory improvement program featured at the seminar, and I have made a serious personal commitment to follow the plan and practice diligently to elicit change.

What personal changes do you want to make in your speaking and communication? Are you prepared to commit to the practice necessary to reduce your accent, improve your voice, or develop your public speaking skills? If you’re serious about change, it is possible — with a plan, a program, and practice.

Here are 5 tips to help you elicit personal change:

  1. Choose a specific time to practice each day. Schedule your practice as you would any other appointment.
  2. Be flexible. If you have to adjust the time to accommodate other commitments, do so.
  3. Some practice is always better than no practice. If a half hour has to be shortened to 15 minutes, that’s okay.
  4. Schedule short practice times throughout the day. Set an alert or reminder on your phone to take a 10-15 minute break to practice.
  5. Leave notes around your home, office, or car. List practice words or tasks to say or do whenever you see them.

Remember, change is possible. It’s up to you!

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