Get the tools you need and have a barbeque. Everyone’s invited!

Image of a woman grilling outside

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Last month’s discussion about everyday leadership—the behind-the-scenes leadership that is threaded throughout our lives—continues.

Now let’s take a look at social skills, another component of a successful leader’s exceptional communication.

What are social skills?

Social skills are the way we use verbal and non-verbal language to interact with others in a meaningful way based on social norms and rules. They are how we put our language to use.
As soon as the weather gets warm, I take my cooking outside to the grill, so let’s try a barbeque analogy: Say you buy a new gas grill for your backyard. It comes in a box and a million pieces. You have all the pieces (words and vocabulary), and you have the instructions (grammar and sentence structure), but you don’t have the tools (the social skills) to bring it together. The barbeque has to wait until you get the tools you need!

Similarly, you must develop your social skills to turn simple words and grammar into effective communication and leadership. Read on for three ways to enhance your social skills.

3 social skills of great leaders

Next time you’re in a social situation—a work meeting, a networking event, or a family gathering—pay attention to how you interact with others. Try one or two of the following suggestions, and let us know how it felt.

  • Demonstrate genuine interest in others.
    Listening is a key component. Leaders listen, ask questions, and demonstrate a genuine interest in the lives, thoughts, and feelings of employees, friends, and family. The focus is on the other person, not themselves.
  • Interact with others and encourage a social environment.
    Leaders light up a room with their presence. They speak masterfully to others, with the appropriate words, tone of voice, and body language. They encourage and facilitate the conversation and interaction of others.
  • Convey enthusiasm and positivity.
    It is a leader’s job to influence, persuade, and motivate employees, clients, or even their own child. Using words that are positive, in a manner that conveys emotion, is crucial to sharing a vision and getting others on your side.

Leaders are made, not born.

Social skills can be developed and improved. Do you have the social skills to take your leadership to the next level, for today and every day?
Contact me for a free telephone consultation, and together we can find out!

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