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Halloween is all about tricks or treats –
But what about networking?

For some it’s a TREAT, while for others , it can feel TRICKY.

Do you want to
Turn those “tricky” connections into

when you’re networking?

Trick or Treat in Networking

Growing up, my favorite part of trick-or-treating was coming home, dumping out my candy, and searching for the real treats – pushing aside the “tricks”.  Networking for your business is the same! You want to find treats and be a treat to others. Here’s how:
    1. Be Curious: Ask open-ended questions. Show interest in others’ experiences.It’s the quickest way to build strong business connections.

    2. Follow Up Fast: After meeting someone, follow-up within 48 hours. Mention something specific from your conversation to stay memorable.

    3. Give Before You Get: Offer value first. Be the “treat” by sharing an idea, introduction, insight or help. This mindset creates trust and long-lasting relationships.

Don’t let networking scare you!

Schedule a free consultation with me and learn how to start turning your networking into business treat!

Click the link below to get started connecting with confidence!

Schedule a conversation with Anne Marie

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