Are you on the path to your goal?

Anne Marie driving a golf ball on a golf course

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Are you on the path to your goal?

The most awe-inspiring shot in golf is the one that starts every hole: the drive. It’s a beautiful sight when a golfer hits the ball high, straight, and far. That’s the goal!

In golf, you:

  1. Walk into the tee box and tee up the ball.
  2. Take in the view in front of you. Get a clear vision of the fairway and the path to the hole.
  3. Set your stance, place your club behind the ball, and swing. Keep your eyes on the ball and watch where it lands. You’re on the path to your goal.

In business, this translates to:

  1. Research and create a plan for your next work-related goal. Seek out reports, technology, or knowledgeable colleagues to set yourself up for success.
  2. Acknowledge where you are and visualize where you’d like to go.
  3. Take action, then watch closely where your efforts are leading. You’re on the path to your goal.

Bonus tip:
Effective communication increases the likelihood that you’ll achieve your goal, while miscommunication leads you off course. Unclear expectations, micromanaging, finger-pointing, and unconstructive criticism are some of the culprits. (1)

It’s time for a business checkup!

  • Do you set clear expectations for your work goals?
  • Is team collaboration and communication a priority?
  • Do you take advantage of learning and development to optimize your path to career goals?

Become aware of your company’s communication style. Invest in developing the communication skills that will drive you to success.

Are you interested in learning more about how your organization is performing in terms of business communication? Contact us for a free phone consultation.


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