The more you change, the more you stay the same

A cup of coffee

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Writing a blog is a change for me, so it seemed an appropriate topic for the first post!

Read on to learn:

  • Why I don’t have to say “cawfee” to be a New Yorker
  • How change starts with just one word

As corny as it sounds, I love a good cliché to summarize my thoughts and get to the point of what I’m trying to say.

Lately my thoughts have been on change. Life moves so quickly, and it’s always changing for myself and everyone close to me. It seems to me, however, that the more things change, the more they stay the same. (Saved by the cliché!)

So what is change? The dictionary defines change as “to become different” or “to make someone or something different.” It can be negative — “a change for the worse” — or positive — “a change for the better.” Either way, it’s different.

Are you reluctant to change?

When it comes to making changes to speaking and communication, many people are reluctant. If you’re afraid of public speaking, it’s hard to imagine that speaking in front of a group, large or small, will not be a dreadful experience. Many feel that they don’t have the knack for it. (Another cliché.)

But I have seen the confidence that comes when individuals make changes to their speech by acquiring new skills. You learn to command the audience and engage your listeners. The fear subsides, and that feels good.

How do you identify yourself?

The same holds true for those considering modifying a foreign accent or regional dialect. At first it may seem like you’re giving up part of your identity, but your thoughts and ideas — not your accent — should convey your identify to the listener.

Isn’t it appealing to be understood the first time you say something? Or not be judged based on your accent? If someone doesn’t know I’m from New York when I ask for a cup of coffee, I’m no less a New Yorker — and I can still say “cawfee” at home if I choose!

Let’s think of change in a new way

I’d like to suggest that you think of change as growth. You are not losing part of yourself; you’re adding new skills to your repertoire. You’re still you, only different.

As the cliché goes, “The more you change, the more you stay the same.”

Change is what allows us to evolve, grow, and move forward. Change moves us to our goals.

What are your goals? What changes will it take to reach your destination?

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